we cut the legs off of our pants threw our shoes into the ocean.
Hi there, welcome to my blog.

What's this all about? Well, that's a question I'm probably not even qualified to answer. I guess it started off because I had nothing better to do, but turns out that I kind of like it. So when I'm not working for The Man I like to take pictures, make videos and write about whatever else might seem like a good idea at the time.

From dragon boating to mountain biking, to road trips and travels overseas - this is me trying to enjoy life. Clock out at 5, eat, drink and don't forget to smile a lot.

The Time Machine


This is a personal blog, all opinions expressed are meant to be in good fun - if you are offended by heavy sarcasm and jokes that are in poor taste then this is not for you. If you have any copyright related issues please contact us via messenger pigeon.


Thursday, June 2

So I saw The Hangover Part II yesterday...

Same old movie, new setting. Still pretty funny though, but I think Bridesmaids would have been a lot funnier. Save your cash if you're thinking about seeing it in AVX 3D - not worth it. Now, as a result I'm totally burnt out. I just want to sleep.

Man, we ate so much crap last night even I'm not that proud of it - lobster, crab, fish, peking duck, ice cream cake, dippin dots, on top of some other crap. Big baller birthday dinners FTW? It's like I'm moving in slow motion today...

These chips were also brought to me as a challenge. Hater please, step up your game.

Frak. Softball tonight too. Alright, enough complaining. Need coffee.