whats every good looking girl doing tonight?
Hi there, welcome to my blog.

What's this all about? Well, that's a question I'm probably not even qualified to answer. I guess it started off because I had nothing better to do, but turns out that I kind of like it. So when I'm not working for The Man I like to take pictures, make videos and write about whatever else might seem like a good idea at the time.

From dragon boating to mountain biking, to road trips and travels overseas - this is me trying to enjoy life. Clock out at 5, eat, drink and don't forget to smile a lot.

Monday, July 4

Everybody's working for the long weekend...

I dunno, the last few "events" I've gone too lately have just been overkill. Most of the time I just want to relax, have a beer and hang out, but man it's just been outrageous crowds stressing me out for no good reason. I mean once in a while fine, but man I don't need to get barraged like every time I go outside...

I swear, after the fireworks it was such a mass exodus that I'm pretty sure it took people 4 or 5 hours just to get out of Niagara. I even saw some car full of chicks drive up and get stuck on a median separating the two directions of traffic (it was one of the most embarrassing/obvious failures at a driving maneuver ever (and in front of crowds to boot)). Then some random woman hater totally stopped them from escaping, ratted them out and called the cops on them. For real? If that were me I'd just be out of that heat so fast no matter what the damage was...

Anyway, rewind a few hours...The Falls were pretty busy during the day...

But once the darkness set in it just became ruthless. In what might have been a bad call, when the fireworks started we decided to ditch our sweet balcony spot only to make it just across the street before grinding to a complete halt. We could barely see the fireworks, but at least everyone could barely see the fireworks.

Once that was over then the relentless traffic started and never seemed to end. Everything was packed but we managed to get into a couple bars because we're so smooth like that.

One place we ended up in advertised having the "coldest beers in Niagara"? I'll admit, it just might have been because that sweet nectar practically turned to ice once it hit my lips.

Outside? Still just massive people traffic.

Booking a hotel was a pretty good call because it would have been impossible to catch a taxi, let alone drive out of that area. The genius cops ended up closing the roads anyway since people were just flagrantly disobeying the laws and doing whatever they pleased aka rampaging all over the place. Poor saps who got that prime parking during the day got trapped/screwed big time because everyone was all up in their cars flooding out and they could not get out of the closed streets. Suckers.

The next day before heading out to the races we managed to get some fuel for the road in this restaurant shaped like a flying saucer - $1.99 early bird special if you could make it in that early...

More on that once I sort though the photos. Anyway, today is Monday and we're back to work. Time flies...

And talk about suck. I can't believe how hard it was to transfer files from my BB to anything. WTF RIM WHAT A BAD CAMERA.