A couple of my friends are getting married this weekend and it just might be one of those weddings where I could probably shed a tear, but then immediately wipe it away with sand paper because I am a real man. I've known these two lovebirds since the days when we used to underage drink at night in the park, to the cottage trips and we went through university too, so it really been a long time coming. By my broad estimation they've been together for a whopping 10 years, so it's finally time! Congratulations guys, I couldn't be happier for you!
No lie, their marriage is very well deserved, I'm super proud of them and they must know each other for reals. In all the years together they've made it past BOTH of two biggest relationship humps I can think of:
- The end of high school I'm going away to meet real people and experience dorm room life which I assume is awesome and the chicks will be hotter than you so we have to break up after summer, break up
- The we are graduating university and are more or less going to start real life with an actual job now but I don't know if I can start it with you because this might be for real, break up
If you've gotten that far then you probably know each other well enough to just go all the way, full double rainbow. If not then lather, rinse and repeat. It's a hard thing investing a long time into a relationship only to see it not work out in the end, but that's all for the best (I guess).
Call me old fashioned but I just don't want to ever have to deal with a divorce, especially if there's ever children involved. When it comes to marriage and kids you gotta make the right choice, so just take your time and find the right person. Take my words with a truck load of salt though because I'm like the Toronto Maple Leafs of dating - we might be able to pull out a W every now and again but in the end we still haven't gotten even close to the finals...
You know, getting into our 30s the weddings are just coming hard and fast nowadays, so it looks I have my work cut out for me. But for now at least...burrito and a slushie - life is good.

Holy crap I need to clean my car.