closing my eyes untill you chase my thoughts away to a place where i am blinded by the light.
Hi there, welcome to my blog.

What's this all about? Well, that's a question I'm probably not even qualified to answer. I guess it started off because I had nothing better to do, but turns out that I kind of like it. So when I'm not working for The Man I like to take pictures, make videos and write about whatever else might seem like a good idea at the time.

From dragon boating to mountain biking, to road trips and travels overseas - this is me trying to enjoy life. Clock out at 5, eat, drink and don't forget to smile a lot.


This is a personal blog, all opinions expressed are meant to be in good fun - if you are offended by heavy sarcasm and jokes that are in poor taste then this is not for you. If you have any copyright related issues please contact us via messenger pigeon.


Wednesday, February 23

Back from Kicking Horse/barely alive...

So here's what happened: I got the flu. A savage flu. Like the worst flu ever and have basically been struggling for life the past 4 days with outrageous fevers. I think I got it from Kevin who seemed to deal with it much better than me, but what you gonna do.

Anyway, the scene at Kicking Horse is totally different from Revelstoke, the 100cm of new snow didn't really stay so it was mostly packed powder and groomed.

The don't play here in the Rockies.

We were literally a phlegm spit away from the gondola, and just like Revelstoke there was only a handful of lifts. We could see part of the fron't half of the mountain from our balcony.

The main difference between the two places is that Kicking Horse is all about the bowls and alpine. Lots of steeps and crazy mountain views. We were lucky to get clear skies during our stay but no new snow.

There bowls all lead to valleys which are a great cruise after some punishing turns. All about the bowls.

It's also a lot of traversing along the ridges since there's only a few lifts. So basically take the gondola to the top and traverse left/right to the bowl of your choice.

Also lots of nice steep groomers on the bottom half of the mountain. Quite a bit of vertical here.

Here's an example of a hike you gotta do along this ridge. We didn't do it, instead we went down the bowl to the left, I think it was called the Superbowl. That hike led to the Terminator 1 Bowl which is on the other side.

Most of the terrain there is pretty advanced, because everyone who skis KH and Revelstoke are pros. Seriously, it's like watching a ski movie especially at Revelstoke where dudes be flying out of the powder or cliffs. It's true what they say though: at KH people don't tell you how good they are, they show you. We're Joe Nobodys out here. The altitude didn't help much either as the theme of the whole trip was basically being short of breath (constantly).

Anyway, I spent a good day and a half in bed sweating bullets while freezing because of this damn flu before we flew out. It was so not cool.

I barely held to together on the flight back and immediately got a fever once we left the airport. Great.

Anyway, that's the end of that chapter. Bitter sweet. Now back to the death bed.