should have been easier by three our old friend fear and you and me.
Hi there, welcome to my blog.

What's this all about? Well, that's a question I'm probably not even qualified to answer. I guess it started off because I had nothing better to do, but turns out that I kind of like it. So when I'm not working for The Man I like to take pictures, make videos and write about whatever else might seem like a good idea at the time.

From dragon boating to mountain biking, to road trips and travels overseas - this is me trying to enjoy life. Clock out at 5, eat, drink and don't forget to smile a lot.

The Time Machine


This is a personal blog, all opinions expressed are meant to be in good fun - if you are offended by heavy sarcasm and jokes that are in poor taste then this is not for you. If you have any copyright related issues please contact us via messenger pigeon.


Wednesday, November 3

Us in Japan: Day 3 - Public Transportation Pros

Here's some of the things we did...not in any particular order

Taking the subway not during rush hour is great.

Japan: still packed...especially when there is this huge ass gigantic parade going on that you didn't know about. The area at Asakusa station was total cock-blockaged.

Asahi Beer HQ. They one with the "golden object".

Conveyor belt sushi - yes we did. This was along a super crowded market street we visited. Pushing through crowds like sardines in a can sure works up an appetite.

Ameyoko I think. Another super crowded street with tons of cool shops and stalls. It too was packed, needed to duck into some shops just to get a breather.

On the way to Tokyo National Museum - this was a huge park with several temples and a zoo. Time to get cultured.

Takuyaki - the best street food ever.

Temple near Asakusa - the crowd thins out at night. Sort of.

Eats on the street. Just look for the lanterns, this road was packed with tons of street restaurants where people were chillin - look's like work's out.

Offal, chicken tongues and various other skewers. Beer and Hoppy (it's a mug half full of soju and topped of with light or dark malt beer...or something like that). The hot japanese chick and bofo that we sat next to thankfully spoke English and gave us the low down. Hoppy is apparently a hip drink.

View from Tokyo Tower.

Well, that's some of it - too lazy to look through it all. Anyway, today is not going to be fun as we basically gotta transport ourselves and luggage across town via subway. No idea what we will do yet because my knees hurt, lol. Maybe just relax over a few beers and people watch...or something like that since we're getting up at like 3am to go to fish market tomorrow...