Well I forgot about music Mondays yesterday. It was probably because of being hopped up on massive amounts of NyQuil to stop the snot from overflowing out of my face and onto my keyboard all the sex, drugs and rock n roll going on around me...or because I decided to assemble that camera. Yeah my life is wild. But anyway here's some not so late breaking news.
We all still remember (or want to forget) the ridiculous Google Wave fiasco right? Well they're at it again with Google Buzz. This time it actually integrates with your Gmail and gets aboard the whole social media bandwagon and gives you the opportunity to share your life with people you have emailed a couple of times aka your so called friends.

It was set to be released this afternoon
This is something that definitely has not been marketed but seems like a pretty bug changes. It sort of sounds like something they could have included in Gmail labs at some point but I guess this will do. I kind of like checking the different sites for the different updates - it gives me something to do at night. Having everything in one place isn't as fun...or is it?
Well I'll wait for this thing to appear and only time will tell how long it will take the first person to abuse it and share pictures of penises drawn on interactive maps (or something like that.
PS that will probably be me.
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